Social Studies

Social Studies Enrichment Opportunities

The following are links that can be used for enrichment activities for History and Social Science classes.

Current Events

CNN 10

CNN’s website provides quick ten-minute video clips for students featuring a wide variety of news stories. These commercial-free videos are perfect for sharing with students for daily updates. You might also decide to use these videos in a flipped classroom model for students to watch outside of the classroom and come back to class ready to discuss.

The Learning Network

The Learning Network from the New York Times is full of useful resources for students and teachers. There are articles written specifically for student readers and lesson plans that cover a wide range of topics. You’ll find writing prompts, contests and multimedia resources on this website.

NPR News

NPR’s website includes resources in print and audio format. You students might dive into the articles on a tablet or listen to the news updates. Like many news organizations NPR has lots of podcast options for learners at different levels and with varying interests.

Virtual Tour of Historic Philadelphia -
Virtual Tour of the Smithsonian -
Virtual Tour of the Philadelphia Revolutionary War Museum -

2020 Presidential Election

How do your beliefs align with the potential candidates?
Take this online quiz to see which Presidential candidate matches closest to your beliefs.

The Redistricting Game is designed to educate, engage, and empower citizens around the issue of political redistricting. Currently, the political system in most states allows the state legislatures themselves to draw the lines. This system is subject to a wide range of abuses and manipulations that encourage incumbents to draw districts which protect their seats rather than risk an open contest.

By exploring how the system works, as well as how it is open to abuse, The Redistricting Game allows players to experience the realities of one of its most important aspects of our political culture. The game provides a introduction to the redistricting system, allows players to explore the ways in which abuse can undermine the system, and provides information about reform initiatives. Beyond playing the game, The Redistricting Game website provides a wealth of information about redistricting in every state as well as providing hands on opportunities for civic engagement and political action.

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