
English Enrichment Resources

Mastbaum High School English Department Enrichment Resources


I am sharing some online resources to access during our time away from school.

Reading Resources

I created a class page for access to various stories at CommonLit to access these resources, sign into CommonLit. The class code for this page is W5NV6P.  Sign in, read some stories, respond to the multiple-choice questions, and complete the short answer responses.

I have created a class page for access to various news articles at NewselaStudents can sign in and use the class code 4M3MKH to receive access to various current event articles with corresponding questions.

Students still have access to the Edgenuity Intervention Program. Students can access this program through their school district student portal.

Writing Resources

NY Times Writing Curriculum
Access NY Times Writing Curriculum for various units on writing. This website offers units on narrative, informational, and argumentative writing pieces.

Write the World
Write the World is a free writing platform that allows students to share their writing, enter competitions and much more!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at cmcphilemy@philasd.org

1 comment:

Dear Mastbaum Students and Families, Welcome to our educational enrichment blog!  On this blog, you will be able to access the following i...